[REVIEW] Hello Baby 5 : Special
Any of you here watch Hello Baby Season 5? So yeah, the show actually ended quite a while ago. I was on twitter and I saw tweets from Dayoung, Lauren and Leo's parents. And that's what made me write this post Lol.
K back to the topic. Hello Baby is actually a variety show that allows idols to experience parenthood. And the guests for this season is MBLAQ! This time, they were going to take care 3 multi-cultural children. It's not easy to take care a child, and MBLAQ appas who have totally no experience on how to be a father had to take care 3 kids.
Now let me introduce these 3 cute children they had to take care of :)
First, Yoon Da Young ( Korean + Vietnamese)
Second, Lauren Lunde ( Korean + Canadian)
Third, Recipon William Leo (Korean + French)
Aren't they pretty? Lemme talk about their personalities throughout the show (Might be wrong because I only watch subtitles :/)

Dayoung was a shy girl at first. She isn't the type that open up to strangers easily, the MBLAQ appas tried really hard to open up her heart. But as time grows and she slowly became closer with MBLAQ, she is no longer the shy girl at the first few episodes, she has now become a really outgoing girl! (Maybe she's influeced by the naughty Leo. Haha, just kidding!) As you watch the show, you will find that Dayoung is a really nice and smart girl, that is why she's my favourite in the show! :D She also has a really pretty smile.And she definitely has something for G.O. appa!

And now Lauren. Lauren is really pretty isn't she? Lauren is the outgoing type and from the show, you can see she really loves dancing and singing. There are videos of her dancing & singing on youtube. And she's really mature for her age (you'll know what I mean if you watch the show). She only cried once in the show haha. She's really cute too.She chose Seungho appa as her favourite daddy throughtout the show!
Leo is the only boy among the three kids. He is like the troublemaker in the show. Well, boys(lol) He is naughty but cute,at the first few episodes, you can see him hit the appas. And when they scold him, he used his ultimate weapon-crying. Haha I can't help but I laugh whenever he cry (I feel bad tho :/) His favourite appa:-Cheondoong appa. He goes to him whenever there's anything. Haha cute boy!
Here's some video clips of the kids, check it out:
Leo,Dayoung & Lauren recording song

Here's some video clips of the kids, check it out:
Leo,Dayoung & Lauren recording song
Dayoung's hilarious laugh
Lauren singing & dancing to MBLAQ's It's War
Naked Leo? LOL
Okay, I think that's all for now. I'll post more videos and photos of Hello babies (kids & appas) next time. Stay Tuned! :)
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